Opening hours
Customer service
Mail weekdays 10 - 16.30
Red days closed
Store Reunion Flagship Store Malmö
Östra Rönneholmsvägen 2, Malmö
2/1 12-18
3/1 12-18
4/1 12-16
5/1-11/1 closed for makeover for spring
12/1- Spring inauguration 12-16 notification is required.
Opening hours from 13/1:
Mondays: 11-18
Tuesdays: Closed
Wednesdays: Closed
Thursdays: 11-18
Fridays: 11-18
Saturdays 12-16
Sundays: Closed
Tel. 040-40 17 01
Other times as agreed
We are happy to open up for AW, girl evenings, business scales, management group meetings or what you think would be fun!