Do you want a speedy 5 step summary? Click the button below:
See quick guide hereSee the detailed guide below showing how to use your points.
Note that this guide is according to the website's mobile version. It looks a little different on the computer as to the links in the menu but the principle is the same.

Step 1.
Go to the website and click on the three lines that show the menu.

Step 2.
Click Sign In.

Step 3.
Log in to your member account.

Step 4.
Open the menu on the three lines again and click on a customer club.

Step 5.
Click on a customer club again.

Step 6.
You now come to the customer club page.

Step 7.
Scroll down on the page and click on the link "See & loose points" under the heading Collect points.

Step 8.
A new girl opens and you get different choices. Click "Ways to Redeem".

Step 9.
Here you can see your points by clicking on "View".

Step 10.
You can choose how much of the points you want to use.
When you have selected the score, click "Redeem".

Step 11.
Here you get your score code.
Click "Apply Code" and it will be automatically placed at checkout or click on the two boxes to copy the code and save for later.

Step 12.
In order for the code to work, you must be logged in when you go to the checkout.
Therefore, go back to the menu and click on my account.

Step 13.
Log out.

Step 14.
If you go back to the link on the customer club page at a later date, you will see that your points are 0 and you have a code ready to use.

Step 15.
Here you see your points and how much you get in money as well as previous points used.

Step 16.
Here, too, you can automatically add the code to the checkout or copy it if you have not already.

Step 17.
When you have chosen your desired goods, you will see in your shopping cart that the score is automatically drawn.

Step 18.
Once at checkout you just fill in your information and also see here that the points are inside.
Choose Pay Now when you are ready to complete the order.