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One of the most romantic things you can do is dance the tango. Gender roles are cemented in tango. The man is a man and moves the dance forward. The...

One of the most romantic things you can do is dance the tango. Gender roles are cemented in tango. The man is a man and moves the dance forward. The woman is a woman and receives, follows, like running water.


That is very special. At least for chicks who are used to doing everything themselves. But appappapp…not in tango!


My ex-husband from about 10 years ago, who is now one of my best friends, introduced tango into my life. He had been dancing for several years and I was a total beginner. But oh how I loved the dance. The music. The feeling. Drama. Love. The movements. The steps. The closeness...So did many other ladies in the group and we fought over my ex-husband because he could really dance. There were a lot of non-tango cavaliers in the group, if you say so Hahaha, and these guys had to literally be slagged around when it was time to change partners.


So today's tip for a rich love life; take your guuube or gumma to a tango class. It puts a splash in the body 🤭


There will be no tango for me today, but the whole gang will come here to Reunion Farm and we will start building new environments. And stylish for our outlet. And coffee together. And plan great deeds. This gang, then ♥️💚 ✅


Before that, I will teach Malte how to use a vacuum cleaner and Milo will wet dry. Zoe is learning how to fold laundry. These darlings who at 5 this morning thought it was time to get up. No way, I said. Then they wrapped themselves around me like a big warm scarf. Malte lay close to my back. Zoe on my right arm and Milo on my stomach. Then we all went back to sleep and I woke up two hours later from a dream that I was was just a dream..poof..the full moon does things to us and our subconscious...


The pictures show the new collection, new tango shoes and some hand-picked vintage treated leather bags...available at Reunion Farm from Friday...


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