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Against the cross

Living their best life is very rarely about feelings of happiness 24/7. Not even about money or success. It is more about active choices. We are exposed to tens of...

Living their best life is very rarely about feelings of happiness 24/7. Not even about money or success. It is more about active choices. We are exposed to tens of thousands of choices in the short term and long -term. Every day. Making well -thought -out choices in the long term affects your short -term choices more than you expect. A bit like a cross far far away and from you, towards the cross, a dashed a little crooked, almost invisible line goes. If you memorize the cross, you will be you who go on the crooked dashed road. Against the cross. Against your dream. Against what you have chosen actively.

If you do not make active choices, and you sometimes forget that, the journey along the way is sometimes just a buzz, a snake of dead ends and fools with acidic supervision and sorrows and sorrows. These can occur even on your way, but is so much easier to handle this because these are just small bumps that you have to circumvent or handle. And then continue on your way, towards the cross.
I'm heading for my cross. Are you?
Back to reality ... Thanks for all the visitors to our live yesterday! In the middle of summer! Full benches with you. Wow! ♥️

The new collection hangs at Reuniongården and is of course on the web. It's been rush ...! Refilling is on the way. We as kind of never make refilling because we do not want the whole world to look the same. This time we have to do it. We are overwhelmed and deeply grateful. The collection will of course be at many of our dealers next week and the week after!

Reuniongården is open to hugs and visits 11-17 every day! Today we unpack newly arrived fantastic dahlias and lavender in different sizes. Color explosion! For you my lovely♥️
Come♥️ M.
Pictures @hellohazephoto 🤳🏻♥️


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