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Life with crutches

The Sunday slopes are like a soft, warm breeze in my bright home. The dogs run in the garden and play with Abbe's dogs and live their best lives. Abbe...

The Sunday slopes are like a soft, warm breeze in my bright home. The dogs run in the garden and play with Abbe's dogs and live their best lives. Abbe just came in and picked up gadgets to cook a gate that the dogs in his zeal jumped apart. Life in the countryside. Always something to do and it is a security in itself. Having the opportunity to take care of their home, his castle.

I sit on the sofa and breathe in spring. The sun has broken through the clouds and I see a weak hopeful blue color there in the streaks. Spring has come to Österlen. Not a single day early. Winter has been extra long this year. The reward comes here. Balance. It is so important with balance. When I don't have it, I get quiet and sad. Sometimes you can't affect the balance of one's life. It just doesn't want to. But suddenly it comes back again.



It has been almost two weeks since I made my knee change in Malmö. Many many of you have asked about this and told us that you or loved ones should do the same. I promised to tell you a little more about my experience when I landed.

I have to admit that these 13 days have mostly been like a fog. The morphine doses that are strong have decimated my brain capacity to a minimum. The memory - trying to remember what you think on the sofa and should pick up in the kitchen - has not worked. It's just to stumble back again and see if the idea comes back. Or a new one that you forget hahaha arises ...


I, who 15 years ago, was Treo addicted to be sick with heavier drugs. But still I asked for more morphine ... by my doctor after two days at home, but of course got no more,  However, another tablet. The pains have occasionally been incredible. Malking crazy pain from the hip down to the foot that still does not have a feeling in two toes. But at the same time, I had been walking around with daily crazy pain for over three years so my mantra has been that this particular pain is a new good pain. Now the body finally heals.



Making a knee change is very much about getting the quality of life back. My doctor emphasized that - Mary, you should not go out and run or play the paddle again (it was a paddle that destroyed the knee originally). You should use your new knee sensibly to get quality of life. Be afraid of your new knee. So wisely. He meant that since I should be 150 best, I probably have to do the surgery at about 90 years, so save it…

Before I did the surgery, I tried to control how the weeks afterwards would go. I remembered how a woman who lived temporarily here in the yard before with her husband, whining about how pipy her husband was the first few weeks after his surgery. I remember thinking it was sickly nasty, he had cut off his leg and put it together again ...



But I realize that healing development is highly individual. How moving you have been before, what your pain threshold looks like. The rehab afterwards hurts insanely and you have to do it. But you need the first two weeks to learn how to handle the pain and mobility. You need peace and quiet. Focus on their well -being. Rest, love, laughter and some Italian cooking films obviously heal faster. And chokelaaa…

Moreover, I have not been so hungry for food. When you eat so much medicine (painkillers 3-4 different, inflammatory, blood clots), at least I have had a metal taste in my mouth that did not promote the taste buds. But as I removed morphine, it has gotten better. Proviva and wheat buns have saved the energy. Maybe not so useful but insanely loving.

And that is exactly what you have to be against yourself. Loving. This is not a quick cold. This is a vital change that takes time to heal. As a friend said: they have cut and nailed in your leg - it is clear that it hurts! You should practically learn to walk on your leg again. Build new muscles around your new blank knee joint, cut nerves will meet again. And you should learn how to bend your knee and get it stable. Absolutely no obvious. Hell what it hurts. This is where the rehab comes in. Small little moments of stubborn small movements build the body whole again.

But now after two weeks the pain feels different. Now the swelling is smaller and I feel the tightening in the wound and tenderness around my new joint. "Padding" is needed in the form of muscles.



On Tuesday, the staples will be removed, X -ray and the physiotherapist will certainly curse me. And just that, talking about a physiotherapist. I got a referral with me home to arrange a physiotherapist here in Österlen. Him I got hold of me ... Why haven't you planned this before ??? He told me he was so booked and the rehab after a knee change is so important. Still, he squeezed me into his tight schedule and I became sickly grateful. So planning is everything.

How does life work with crutches? I'm a stubborn satan. I have a gigantic farm to take care of. Three dogs and a large company. I just have the company staff, but the farm needs its housewife. So crucifying yourself has been necessary. Short walks. Of course, I took a couple too long, it was punished with pain that was difficult to cancel. As everyone says - exercise often and a little. That's right. But you can live an ordinary life with crutches. However, I cannot have the dogs in a leash. They pull me over. But otherwise, absolutely no problems. For me, life is a challenge and I live most of the weeks myself. Of course, I have to learn to wear the morning coffee, hang the laundry, bed new sheets, cook, pull the vacuum cleaner (although I have help with cleaning in general, I have three dogs, here vacuumed every day ...)

I can't drive a car yet. Or can and can. You know everything if you have to (and if you have an automatic). But the morphine had made me a deadly car driver. So action I have received help with. Hello Fresh delivers food every Monday. My crew comes in with freshly baked and friends and loved ones have been divine. Cooking, sweets, surprises, flowers, bubble. There has been no stopping the delights.

No driving for the next two weeks either. No trip to Italy. I will not be able to do anything that requires me to sit with bent legs for a while. It's not possible. So patience is what applies. And you know, I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity to get back my mobility and avoid the cruel pain I had. What does 6-8 weeks do in a perspective of 30 years ??

Are you thinking about a knee change? Do it if you get the opportunity. The sex is long. 3-10 months. I did my surgery in Malmö at the Capio Ortho Center. Fantastic. 10 points out of 10.

Do you have questions? You are welcome to email me at So I'll try to answer. I know nothing more about what the future weeks look like, but I'm positive. My life is fantastic.

With love m.


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