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Finally! SUMMERTIME! I haven't slept that many hours. I was in Malmö for a lovely dinner at Ruts and enjoyed the crazy happy company of the family. The dogs were...

Finally! SUMMERTIME! I haven't slept that many hours. I was in Malmö for a lovely dinner at Ruts and enjoyed the crazy happy company of the family. The dogs were alert early this morning and the mat has spring feelings. Think we made it here anyway. Over log and stone. Forward, through pandemic years and war and hell and his aunt. I am so damn grateful ♥️
Outside my little house, Kenneth and Marius are already at work, continuing to build my plank. MALTE is with us and cuddles when master is on an adventure. I'm going to hug Malticious delicious all day - and he's going to get as much goooodis as he wants. Shared custody is not easy. The longing is great. But today all the doggies are in my arms♥️♥️♥️
Yesterday I started waking up my Dahlias. Planted them in temporary pots for them to form fine roots. We are going to build big nice Dahlia beds here on the farm so we can all enjoy them right up until November. Right now all the pots are in the incubator in my little container house.
The farm is starting to look incomparably spring-like. The feelings of happiness over spring are greater this year than ever. Maybe because I have more time to do what I love. Take care of the yard, the garden, the Italian house and on Tuesday...bring my whole crew to Marrakech. IT will be so wonderful. To introduce my Reunion family to my Marrakech family. Everyone longs for everyone ♥️♥️♥️
Today I bake the last MARIAsemlor of the year and continue planting. And plan. And work in a few days for next week. Life is an adventure and it is NOW♥️
With love m.


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