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Reunion Prylar

Tipsy tarot, drinking game

189 SEK

Avslöja ditt berusade öde i detta spel som handlar om skicklighet, humor och tur. Varje spelare måste tävla för att bli av med sina kort. Den första spelaren som gör det kommer att krönas till vinnare. På din resa kommer du att ställas inför knep, bedrägeri, förluster och drickutmaningar.

Mått: 18x10x10cm

Produktinfo: 90 Tipsy tarotkort, 5 koppar och dryckesinstruktioner

Note! To our dealers: Prices stated are excluding VAT & Shipping SEK 250 is added.

Product information

The shipping cost is SEK 75 for purchases up to SEK 899.

We at Reunion do not have free returns. All shipping is at the customer's expense.
Please note that you must contact customer service for approval of the return even though a return slip is included.

We are clear that we do not accept returns of SALE items and clearance sales.

If packages are not picked up, we charge a fee of SEK 200, it is this fee that we are charged by our shipping company.

Just shop if you really want the item.
Ask us about the sizes if you are unsure. We cannot receive orders with several different sizes on the same item.
Email us more than happy to kundtjanst@reunionhome.se

We are clear that we do not receive returns of capital and sales.